With an occupancy rate of over 92%, the Tancredo Neves International Airport in Confins, needs urgent adequacy and expand their capacity. So says the president of the National Transport Confederation (CNT), Senator Andrade Clésio in officio forwarded to the Chief Minister’s Secretariat of Civil Aviation, Wagner Bittencourt.
“The current prediction turns out to be even more worrisome because of Belo Horizonte figure as the county seat of the games of the World Cup, an event that will increase substantially the number of passengers in transit through Confins,” says Andrade Clésio.
The expansion of the Confins airport is part of the document Strengthening of Minas at National Scenario, coordinated by the Senator and the parliamentary base of support to the government Rousseff. The document makes a diagnosis on the most urgent needs of the state in relation to infrastructure works and also on the recovery of political space lost on the national scene.
Source: Agência CNT de Notícias