The works in the LMG-800, lane which connects the state capital to the international airport of Confins, will begin next Tuesday, leaving the terminal farthest from Belo Horizonte. The track will be blocked, in hand and the opposite for about four kilometers. Thus, the Department of Highways of Minas Gerais (DER-MG) estimates that the route will take, on average, 30 minutes more to be traversed. The estimated time for intervention is five months.
The track, which is a continuation of MG-010, which starts from Clover Lagoa Santa, will receive,with the works, seven viaducts to suit the increased traffic due to the World Cup 2014. Nowadays, the LMG-800 has two lanes in each direction, approximately 3.6 m and 2.5 m shoulder. During the construction period, the track that will receive the entire flow of cars possess four lanes, two in each direction, with 3 m wide each – no shoulder.
After construction, the original dimensions will be retained.
The forecast for the end of the works is April 2014. Currently, the daily flow that uses the highway is 66 thousand vehicles.